Monday, May 3, 2021

The Biggest Miracles

Hi everyone!

First of all, I would like to thank you all for the prayers and support you give me. I noticed my mom asked you all to pray that my toilet would get fixed, haha. Well, miracles are real. Last Tuesday, after living without a working toilet for 3 weeks, the landlord finally fixed it!

Anyways, this week was pretty good. We have been super busy. Our friend Onaldo is preparing to be baptized this Sunday, and we are very excited. He already read the Book of Mormon and has been asking for other books from the church. We also have been teaching Fernanda. Her baptismal date was for this week, but will probably have to change to be next week. Please keep them both in your prayers.

Another interesting thing that happened this week is a member invited us to come teach a group of recovering addicts. We thought it was like a alcoholics anonymous type deal, but to our surprise, it's just a bunch of dudes who live in a walled-off piece of land owned by this member. Definitely not what we were expecting, but it went well.

Spiritual thought: I recently rewatched Henry B Eyring's talk from conference, "bless in his name." He talks about magnifying our calling in the priesthood, but I believe this applies to other things as well. He said that as we learn to do God's will and not our own, our service to others will be so much greater. 

Thanks for all your love and support,
Elder Olson

1. Elder CastaƱeda made us all fried rice!

Sorry for the lack of photos recently, I have been super busy and forget to take any.

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Sunday, August 29th - Speaking in Church