Monday, April 26, 2021


Oi pessoal!
This week was super awesome, except for the 12 hours I spent on the bus to pick up my companion haha. My new companion is Elder Arias. He is from São Paulo. He is a great companion, it has been awesome to work with him. 

We had some awesome miracles happen this week. We went to pick up lunch one day from a member at his work, and one of his coworkers was feeling sick. He told her we could give her a blessing, so we did. Later that day, the member messaged us and told us that she didn't feel sick anymore! We also got to give a blessing to our friend Onaldo. He is our friend who has a degenerative disease who accepted to be baptized. It was super spiritual. Also, he read the whole Book of Mormon in a week! He is a super smart guy. He has a huge book collection in his house, and has written 5 books. He even gave us each 2 of his books! Please keep him in your prayers so that his health won't impede him from being baptized.

We also got to give a blessing of comfort to a member who is going through a hard time, and a blessing to Elder Casteñeda, who spilled boiling hot water on his hand. It was awesome to be able to have the opportunity to serve others using the priesthood this week. 

Spiritual thought: Mormon 9:19 "And if there were amiracles wrought then, why has God ceased to be a God of miracles and yet be an unchangeable Being? And behold, I say unto you he bchangeth not; if so he would cease to be God; and he ceaseth not to be God, and is a God of miracles."
I want to bear my testimony that miracles still happen. God is a God of miracles and miracles will never cease to be.

Hope you all have a wonderful week!
- Elder Olson

Me and my new comp, Elder Arias. Finally got into our apartment one night. We only have one key for the main building door and the other missionaries in our apartment had it and weren't back yet. We had to do some creative problem solving involving the garage, a "borrowed" garage door opener, and the return of said opener. We have 2 keys for the apartment door, but only one for the building. Not too helpful most days. 

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Sunday, August 29th - Speaking in Church