Monday, December 2, 2019

Week 17: Happy Thanksgiving

week 5 of transfer 2

Hey everyone, I forgot to do an audio recording so, sorry! I'm just gonna write this one.

First of all, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you all had a great dinner. My companion and I had pizza for Thanksgiving dinner! I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve a mission and for all of you that support me in my service.

Anyways, This week started out with splits. I was with Elder Burt, the other American. He's more green than me, so I was the senior companion for a day. That was interesting. I realized how much I rely on my fluent native Brazilian companion to help people understand what I am saying. Most people here have never talked with an American so my accent is hard for them to understand, even when what I am saying is technically correct. Sadly, all of our appointments fell through, and we spent an hour or so looking for a house that turned out to be an empty lot. We were pretty discouraged, and I didn't really know what to do. So, I pulled out the map and said a prayer. We started knocking doors, and ended up finding the house of a contact that Elder Rodrigues and I had been looking for. 

Later this week, Elder Rodrigues taught the person Elder Burt and I found. His name is Dail, he lives with his wife and 16 year old daughter. We invited them to church, and felt really good about it, but they didn't come. To add to that, our friends that seemed to be progressing have suddenly stopped. But, I still have hope for them. Sometimes we just have to be more patient. People will find the truth in their own time. This Sunday, we also taught another Family Elder Burt and I found. We shared the Restoration and It was a very spiritual lesson. It was a blessing for me, because I was feeling a bit down due to the lack of success we have had this week.   

Things I hate: It has started raining in our house too. We have to turn the lights off when It rains because the lightbulbs drip water. Also, there is only one Atm in this city that will read my card, and the line was a 40 minute wait this morning so that was fun

Things I Like: I received a package from my parents with peanut butter and maple extract, so I made pancakes with peanut butter and syrup for breakfast. My Brazilian companion loved it. I'm going to have to hide my peanut butter haha.

Spiritual Thought: This week, we had a devotional with the parents of President Piros. His dad was also a mission president, and they shared some really cool thoughts that helped me a lot this week. They talked a lot about being patient in your trials, humbling yourself before God, and having faith. I really needed that this week, there were many times this week when I felt like giving up. But, when I humbled myself and prayed, and searched for guidance, The Lord provided a way for me to complete my goals. When you have difficulties, stay patient and keep your faith in the Lord. He will help you.

Amo vocĂȘs!
Elder Olson

Elder Rodrigues and Elder Olson celebrating America's Thanksgiving with a pizza

chatting with Elder Olson today

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Sunday, August 29th - Speaking in Church