Monday, November 25, 2019

week 16: Many new friends

Week 16, 4th week of 2nd transfer
November 25, 2019

This is week 4 of transfer 2. This week was good. We had splits this week with Zone Leaders so that was good. So I was with Elder De los Santos and we found a man that doesn't believe in God, which is interesting here, because almost everybody is religious and believes in God and Christ here. So that was interesting, trying to explain our religion to him because I haven't really had to do that yet, without people having a knowledge or a basic belief and understanding of God and Jesus Christ. So that was interesting, trying to teach a person that doesn't have the same basic belief. 

This week in church we had 5 friends come. Which is an improvement because we've had 1 or 0 the past couple of weeks. So Larisa was in church again. I think I talked about her before. Like I said, it's been hard to teach her because her mom doesn't like us and she's always really busy. We've only been able to teach her one more lesson than the first and we've spoken with her a few other times. Then, two of the other people were siblings, Iago and Kelen, brother and sister. And we found them the other day. It was actually pretty interesting. So we had passed this house once before, a week or two ago, and the man there said they were busy, so we said we'd pass by another day. So it was raining and we were looking for a different person on the same street and we couldn't find the person but my companion said, "we could knock on this door here." I said, "oh, we already did. But we can again." So we did and they invited us in. It's a family. Moises is the dad and he has 3 kids, Iago, Kelen and João Vitor. Iago is 22. Kelen is 17. And João Vitor, I think he's 15 or so. But the lesson went well. Then we came back this week to them and we had left a Book of Mormon for them and left a part for them to read. And when we came back, Kelen had read the part (3 Nephi chapter 11) about when Christ visits the people in the America's after his crucifixion. But the lesson was really awesome because we asked her about how reading the Book of Mormon was and she shared the parts that she liked, the verses that she liked. And we talked more about them and shared more about the restoration and we asked how Kelen felt about the book, the Book of Mormon, and she said she believes it's true and that she feels that the Church is right. Which is really awesome because she hadn't even gone to church with us yet. So today, her and her brother Iago came to church. So that's exciting. We invited them to be baptized too. So we have a baptismal date set for them...the 7th of December. Hopefully we can get them ready in time, but I think we will.

And then the other person that was in Sacrament meeting that we brought today was Dalma. She's an older lady, I think in her 50's. She has 2 kids, 12 and 7 years old. She brought them too. She also said she that the Church is true and so we have that same baptismal date set for her. So that's exciting because we hadn't really been finding people that wanted to progress until now. So that's really exciting. So hopefully they can continue to progress and not fall away. 

On to things that I hate this week: We're going to start with RAIN. Because it makes the power go out. So one day the power went out in the entire city. It was night and there were no street lights and it was SUPER dark and it was hard to get back to our house.

Things that I like: RAIN. Because it makes it not so hot when it rains. It's a LOT cooler when it rains. It's probably still 80 degrees but to me that is soooooo much cooler because usually it's like 90 to 100.

Also, an interesting experience I had this week: I met a man from Sweden here, which is crazy because it's a really small town and there aren't usually tourists here or anything like that and he doesn't even speak Portuguese. But I talked with him in English and he was visiting with his wife who's from here but it was just kind of a random experience to meet someone from Sweden in Hidrolandia, porque (oh oops, I'm starting to put in Portuguese instead of English), anyways, because it's a really small city.

Spiritual Thought: Always be ready to follow the spirit. I had a cool experience this week finding the family of Moises (that I spoke about in my Email, Iago, Kelen, and João Vitor). We had already knocked on his door once before, and he didn't let us in to share a message because he was busy. Another night, we only had one hour left, it was dark and rainy and our appointment fell through. We were passing that same house and my companion told my to knock and the door of Moises again. I was reluctant because he had rejected us once before. But, I did and it lead to finding some great people to teach. Sometimes we have fear to follow the spirit, but when we just go and do, we will be blessed.
So that's all for this week!

Elder Olson

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