Hi everyone!
We started this week off with a good ol' exchange. We traveled about an hour and a half by bus to a city called Annapolis to do exchanges with the district leader there. Fun fact: Annapolis is the city with the most churches in the world. I worked with Elder Pedroso. We spent most of the day walking, because he had marked some lessons super far away. But, it was a good time. I had never been there before so it was cool to see something new. Also, the bus station on the way home has Burger King, so we definitely took advantage of that.
We also had to walk to Erik's house and back this week, on the eternal dirt road. This time, we took a bit of a different route, and got chased by a huge dog so that was fun Haha. Sadly, the appointment fell through, so the Journey was not a huge success. Also, we are going to have to remark his baptism due to some minor problems. But, we had 5 people at church this week! We were happy about that.
Spiritual thought: Doctrine and Covenants 62:1 "Behold, and hearken, O ye elders of my church, saith the Lord your God, even Jesus Christ, your advocate, who knoweth the weakness of man and how to succor them who are tempted." God knows our weaknesses. He understands us completely and wants to help us overcome our temptations!
1. Burger King
2. Chimarrão (also known as maté, I used to hate it, but I have been converted)
3. Exchange with Elder Pedroso