Monday, August 31, 2020

Rainy Week. Awesome Week.

 Hi everyone!

Things are going super well! Stuff is picking up a bit more and we have been able to have a lot of lessons. We finally had a video lesson with Tetiana and her boy. Her husband is very less active, but her 8 year old boy, vitaliy, was just baptized a few months ago. She is super awesome, she loves the book of Mormon and has been to church many times, she even came this Sunday! We are just trying to find out what we can do to help her, and see what is holding her back from baptism. We have also been having short, daily lessons with an older lady named Mary Gee. She has been meeting with the missionaries for years, but has multiple word of wisdom and health problems. She was feeling depressed this week, so we made her some cookies and dropped them off! 

Another great thing we have been able to do this week is meet with a lot of members over zoom. I had a cool family history conversation with a member named Brother Crowther. I had been reading that morning about my great great grandpa Carl Albert Olson, and about how he had land in Virginia, Idaho. The member heard my name and asked if I had heard of virginia, Idaho. I told him I had actually been reading about my Great great grandpa who lived there that morning, and he told me that his grandpa was Carl Olson's brother! I thought that was pretty cool.

Spiritual thought: Moroni 7:40 "And again, my beloved brethren, I would speak unto you concerning hope. How is it that ye can attain unto faith, save ye shall have hope?
41 And what is it that ye shall hope for? Behold I say unto you that ye shall have hope through the atonement of Christ and the power of his resurrection, to be raised unto life eternal, and this because of your faith in him according to the promise.
       42 Wherefore, if a man have faith he must needs have hope; for without faith there cannot be any hope." 

Kinda a long one, but it's important. There is so much to have hope for. Have faith and you will find hope in Christ.

Things I like: It's been raining a lot which has been nice, and we got propane last pday so we have been able to use our grill!

Things I hate: so a member brought us food, and she is from south america. The rice was amazing, but as I learned in Brazil, in some places they eat the chicken bones. dont get me wrong I'm very grateful for the food, but it was not good to have crunchy chicken rice haha.

Photos, only one this week

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Sunday, August 29th - Speaking in Church