Monday, November 11, 2019

Week 14: service and churrasco

This is week 2 of transfer 2.

This week we discovered you can make tortillas out of pastel dough, so we're pretty excited about that.  We're going to make tacos one day, but a, this week was good.  Sadly we had nobody come to church, but we had 2 investigators who had a good excuse. I talked about Jacqline before, but I don't know if I've talked about her friend, but we've been teaching them both. They didn't come because of a test they had for school, a really important test for college. We had a lesson with them the other day that was really awesome. We were with some of the other youth of the ward, 2 young women and a young man, and we read a chapter of the Book of Mormon---2 Nephi 31, it's a great chapter---and then let people comment. I could tell our friends could feel the Spirit.  Afterward the members, the youth of the ward, shared their testimonies and conversion stories and it was a really spiritual experience. I think it will help our friends Jacquline and Matisha feel the Spirit and know what it's like to feel the Spirit so they can receive an answer about the church.

Also this week we got to do a service project, so that was cool. We helped a sister in the ward move.  It was fun because it was something different from our normal schedule.  I've included a picture in the email. After the service project for lunch, one of the members gave us 10 more Reals than usual so we decided to make churrasco, which is BBQ, so we bought a bunch of meat and cooked it over a fire outside our house.  It was pretty awesome.  I included pictures of that too.

On to things I hate: This week there are these cars that drive around and blast ads that are always really annoying, but there is one in particular for a circus that is in town that is so annoying and somehow all the cars are playing the same ad and wherever we were in our area it was always playing.  It repeats over and over, during our study time, when we're walking in the street, during our lessons with people.  It's the most ANNOYING thing ever.

Things that I like:  I've started reading the book Saints (I've read parts before the mission, but I've started at the beginning in Portuguese and it's helping learn a bit more.) It's super interesting and I would recommend everyone read it.  I hear that the second one is out already, so if you've read the first one, go read the second one because I'm sure it's good too.

This next week we have zone conference so that will be fun. 

Spiritual Thought: 
2 Nephi 31: 20 Wherefore, ye must press forward with a asteadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of bhope, and a clove of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and dendure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eeternal life.

I want to focus on the part about love of all men. Our journey to eternal life isn't just about getting ourselves to eternal life, but helping strengthen others too. I want to challenge you to share your testimony, or a scripture or something on social media or with a person you feel needs it. 
Elder Olson

Photos: service, chuhassco, and a cool dirt road

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Sunday, August 29th - Speaking in Church