Monday, September 30, 2019

week 8: Cooled off for a day

Week 8 , 2nd week of first transfer
September 29, 2019

So this week, I learned that cockroaches can fly. So that was exciting when a mouse sized cockroach flew onto my hand during the middle of a lesson.

It was a good week. One day the weather actually got down to 75ish degrees and that was like the best day of my life. It rained and was 75 degrees so I wasn't sweating all day. Also, this week we had some problems with our washing machine, so we had to get it fixed. Then the guy brought it back and it still wasn't fixed and so we had to send it back and that took up a lot of our time because we had to go take our clothes to a members house and it was a pain. But it's all good now. Tomorrow we get our washing machine back so that's great.

The members here are really awesome. They feed us lunch every day. On Saturday we ate lunch at this house pretty far away, kind of more out in the countryside. And the whole house was surrounded by chickens and the little chicks could squeeze through the chicken wire, so as we were eating there were little chicks running around by our feet which was kind of funny...IN the house. Kind of interesting. You don't really get that back at home. 

Next week, Saturday, we should be having my first baptism. It was going to be this Saturday but we had to push it back because of general conference. I talked about him last time in my email. His name is Juan (zhu-ahn). He's 13 yrs old. It's pretty cool. The other day we go to his house and we had asked him to pray about the church and he goes, "I know it's true! I know it's true!" So that was really cool to see him gain a testimony. 

Today, is Sunday. After Church we went to member's house for lunch and it was really good but afterwards, their son who's 15 and another member who's also 15, they came with us and took us to some of their friends to teach them. Lots of them weren't home but we taught one person and those kids stayed with us ALL day helping us find people and teach people so that was really cool. The members here are just great. Great missionaries just in their own ward.

I saw today the new children and youth program and that looks pretty great, so parents and kids and youth, make sure you actually do that because that looks like it can really help you. And then General Conference is this Saturday so make sure you watch ALL of conference. I know that the prophets are called of God and that they receive revelation for the church so it's really important that we listen to them. We can learn so much from the prophets. In my time in the MTC, we had the prophet and leaders speak to us while we were there, and I learned so much from that. So make sure you tune in to conference, and invite someone else who usually wouldn't watch conference to watch conference with you. 

That's it for this week!
-- Elder Olson

(no pictures this week)

Monday, September 23, 2019

week 7: In the Field

Oi gente,
      I have made it to the Field! My area is the city of Hidrolandia, Its a small town about 40 minutes south of Goiania city. Its Ironic because "Hidrolandia" means "water land", and this is one of the driest places ever. The houses and stuff are all one story, with a couple that have 2, and everything is really close together... so that's actually nice because we walk everywhere. The City is in a little valley with buildings on both sides. 

      My companions name is Elder Rodrigues and he is from Northern Brazil. For this first transfer, It will be just me and him, because the two other Elders we were living with got emergency transferred. He doesn't speak english so I have been learning quick so that I can survive.

      This week was spent getting to know our area, and meeting people because we are both new here. We get lost a lot but eventually find where we need to go. We have been meeting a lot of members because they feed us lunch everyday. We picked up a few friends from the previous Elders, We have been teaching a young mother named Kaliane, she has lots of questions so we have lots of work to do. Its hard because the mission hasnt provided anymore Books of Mormon so we cant give them to investigators. My companion is a great teacher though. We have also been working with a couple young boys, Rian and Juan, they are 11 and 12. They are friends of a member boy, Antonio. Its cool to see Antonio teach his friends. He is a great example of a member missionary. I think sometimes we are embaressed or shy about sharing, but we shouldnt be.

        Spiritual thought of the week is similar to something ive shared before, but it has been very important this past week. Elder Bednar said in a devotional to missionaries "just go, and be good" Like Nephi, we need to go, not knowing beforehand, but being lead by the spirit. There have been lots of times we didnt know what to do, but we just went and were able to be guided by the spirit in teaching. The spirit wont always tell you exactly what to do, so just go and be good. Try to always be worthy to have the spirit with you.
--Elder Olson


We got to chat with Spencer face to face for the first time today via Google Hangouts. It was great to see his face. He warned us/anyone not to send packages unless we use a courier service because for international packages received the government charges the receiver a HUGE tax (like hundreds of dollars). 

He shared a story where some members in their car pulled up to them on the street and essentially fed them crepes with chocolate sauce right from their window and he loved it. They even had milk to give them with the crepes. Although like all milk was warm. He did end up buying a carton of milk from the store this week and put it in his fridge. He can't wait to have cold milk again.

He said the people are really nice in general and even if they don't want to listen to the missionaries' message about Christ, they will still offer them water and kindly decline to listen. He is serving in a ward, not a branch but there are only about 6 people in Elder's Quorum so he's not sure how that works out. They do have a ward building to meet in which is nice but he was hoping that it would have air conditioning because he is supposed to wear a suit to church as a missionary supposedly (he's going to check on that rule). And when it's 95 plus degrees outside, it gets pretty hot inside, even with ceiling fans and windows open. 

He said he's eaten a lot of chicken and rice and beans but he really likes the fruit he's been getting in his area. Someone gave him a whole bag of oranges that he said are delicious. They aren't exactly like the oranges here...tougher to peel...but taste way better. He said it's hard going grocery shopping or shopping at all and it's even hard using the computer at the internet cafe because he still knows so little Portuguese. But in having a conversation with someone on the street one day, they asked how long he'd been in Brazil (which is less than 2 months) and then actually complimented him on his Portuguese. That made him feel good.

He tried "Cebada" which is a barley drink many members drink instead of coffee down there. Apparently you can drink it warm or cold and it actually tastes a little like coffee. He also said they drink a ton of soda and want the bottles back when you're done drinking (the plastic or glass ones). 

While they walk everywhere as missionaries, he did notice that the streets don't have many signs or laws regulating traffic. They seem to use large speed bumps instead. His little brother asked him if it's true that the showers down there have exposed wires for the water heating tank in the shower (causing some people slight electric shocks if they're not careful) and Spencer confirmed that. Also, there was another question regarding discarding of toilet paper in trash instead of toilet and that was confirmed as well. So beyond all that, and the food, and the big big bugs, Elder Olson is finding Brazil a bit different than the USA but said he knows he'll get used to it in time.

Elder Olson and his companion/trainer Elder Rodrigues
Elder Olson, Elder Beezer (maybe? the american in the back), Elder Rodrigues in the pink tie and Elder Beezer's comp in the front. This was just before the other companionship got moved to another area.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

week 6: MTC final days and Moving On

Hi everyone,

We started off the week by going to the Sao Paulo Temple. It was super cool I was happy I could go there before I left the MTC. Then the next few days were basically just class, trying to get ready to go out in the field. We were all kind of just anxious to get out so I don't know if we worked as hard as we should've. Then Sunday came around and it ended up I had to talk on repentance in sacrament meeting in Portuguese. (It's easier when you can read it). Luckily I had a talk prepared because we are all supposed to prepare one just in case, so it went well, but then I also had to give a lesson in Elder's Quorum which they all forgot to tell me about so I just kind of winged it. It was about commandments and obedience and how obedience to commandments blesses us. But it didn't have to be taught in Portuguese so that was good. 

So Monday was our last day so we did a lot of packing. Then we had a testimony meeting with our district which was really spiritual. After that, we had a devotional. For the devotional the presidency talked about being more Christlike and following Christ's example of patience and charity and how we can apply that to our missions as we go out into the field. After the devotional, we had a cool experience with Presidente Sidaje (sp?). We went up to say goodbye and he turned and bore his testimony to us. It was in Portuguese so I didn't understand it all but it was REALLy spiritual. You could just feel the spirit so strong from him. It was just really a testimony builder to me that the mission presidency is called of God. That night we took pictures with everybody (I'll send some) and then we went to sleep for just a few hours because we had to wake up at 2am to catch our flight to Goiania. Then once we made it to Goiania we went to the mission home where we talked about rules, met with the mission president. He met with each of us individually. Then we went to lunch with the AP's (assistants to the President). After that, we got in an uber to a hotel where we will stay tonight. On the uber ride, the AP was teaching the uber driver about the restoration and the AP asked me to share what I knew about Jospeh Smith. So that was pretty cool to start being an actual missionary...sharing my thoughts with real people in Portuguese. I was able to share that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and that he prayed to ask which church was true. So that was pretty cool. 

So now we are just chilling in our hotel room waiting for dinner. Tomorrow we head out into the field. When we head out to the field, (they told me my area but I don't remember the name because it's super weird but I'll make sure to let you know next week) I was told it was farm town and was told my trainer is really good so I'm excited to get working. 

I guess that's it for this week. Til next time!

-- Elder Olson

Sao Paulo Brazil Temple

Elder Olson

Elder Olson and Elder Neely

Elder Bower and Elder Olson

Elder Neely and Elder Olson

Departing devotional. Elder Olson is in the very back row in the center

departing MTC missionaries. Elder Olson is on the right end of the second row

departing devotional. Elder Olson is in the back row center

Elder Olson and his MTC dorm roommates

The missionaries arriving in Goiania

Elder Olson with the Mission President Piros and President Piros' wife

Eating at the mission home. Elder Olson is in the back on the right.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

week 5: One more week in the MTC

Hey everybody,
This is my last email from the CTM! The amount of lessons has increased a lot this week, yesteday we had 3 trc’s. ( where we teach someone a lesson in Portuguese).  Its crazy to think how far ive come in so little time. I have 2 highlights to share this week. First, we got to watch the BIrthday celebration of President Nelson. They did a summary video of his life, and I learned a lot about seeking knowledge and loving everyone. He is a great example to us. It also had some awesome musical numbers. Watch if you get a chance.
The second highllight was there was cold cereal for breakfast the other day! I almost shed a tear. 

On a more serious note, I'd like to share a quick spiritual thought. Our district has been trying to invite the spirit into our class, so we have been praying at the start of everyday. I encourage you all to do the same in your homes so that your homes can have the spirit and can be a place of love and learning.
Elder Olson

Notes from phone call with Elder Olson: 

He said that during study time, they found some Portuguese grammar books and started studying them. It was like a lightbulb went off and he said if the teachers of the language classes had taught that stuff in the beginning, it would’ve been sooooo much easier. He also said when he taught the practice lessons this week in Portuguese, he felt pretty good about it. But he doesn’t speak fast. When the people there speak Portuguese it’s often so fast it’s hard for him to understand it all but that he usually can get a few of the ideas they are saying. He did hear that the people in Goiania (out in the the countryside) where he’s headed, tend to speak a lot slower. He’s hoping that’s true. The only other thing he hears people say about it is that it’s “muito muito quente”  or very very hot. He is not looking forward to that.

Elder Olson got more vaccinations or shots of some sort today. He has no idea what they were for though. But he kind of laughed at the whole process. He said they cancelled an activity so the shots could take place and then left class early to go get them at the appointed time. When they got there, no one was around. They waited and then all just went back to class. Then they went back again and the people were there to give them the shots but told them they all needed their ID’s so they all had to trudge over to their “dorms” and up the 6 floors to get their ID’s and vaccination papers and back again to wait in a long line for shots. He said finding stuff in their room is always fun because 6 guys share it and a couple are pretty messy…especially the District Leader. Whenever they want to get their bath towel from the hanging rack on his end of the room, everyone has to step on or over all of his stuff to get their towel. 

Elder Olson was so excited the cafeteria made tacos this week and had flour tortillas. He said he ate 6. He’s finally put back on the weight he lost and said he gained like 5 pounds just this week. They also had something they called “sloppy joes” but it wasn’t quite the American style which was fine with Elder Olson because he doesn’t love the American ones. These were just seasoned ground beef with onions and then the Brazilian style of Ketchup (more sweet & sour than America’s) and mayo. He likes them. Also, last Wednesday on Pday, he got some Pastels (a crispy fried hand pie of sorts) that were REALLY good. 

His Pday is today (he gets to email on Tuesday nights and has Pdays on Wednesdays right now) and he’s looking forward to getting a haircut. Then with this being his last week, he has to start packing up all his stuff. He may have to pay a luggage fee this time because he was right at the limit in weight getting down there but now has a ton of lesson books and study books to bring with him from the MTC. He leaves there next Tuesday the 17th for a short flight and then a long bus ride to the mission home in Goiania. He’s excited. But because in the field, Pdays are on Mondays, he may only get to send a short note home upon arrival next week and then have to wait until the following Monday to really email anyone.

He really appreciates the emails people are sending and loves to read updates. He’s sad he doesn’t have time to respond to hardly anyone individually right now as their time on the computers in the MTC is soooooo short. But he’s hoping to be able to do more once he’s in the field. So keep those emails coming. He loves them and loves all of you.

He was able to send pictures today using the church wifi on the Sao Paulo temple grounds.

Elder Olson and Elder Neely

Elder Olson and Elder Bower

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

week 4: President Nelson's visit

Oi como vai!
President Nelson came to Brazil, but not the Ctm. On Friday, We got to watch a live broadcast to all the missionaries in Brazil from him. At the end, he gave a special blessing of healing and safety to all the missionaries and their families. On Sunday we watched him talk to to all of Brazil. He bore his testimony in perfect portuguese, which was a huge testimony builder of the gift of tongues.
This week we also went proselyting in the real world. It was the hardest thing. My companion and I got 3 contacts in an hour. Approaching people in english is hard enough, doing it in a language I dont know is so much harder. But, as one of the instructors told me "Só vou" (just do it), so I tried my best to talk to lots of people. We got rejected alot, but thats ok. You can do hard things!  Só vou! 

Elder Olson


Elder Olson said he got the Dominoes Pizza and 2 liter of Cocoa Cola we sent him on Pday through a local delivery service. He loved it. He said it ended up being a great day but that very morning, he woke up (after being so sick he was on antibiotics for several days) still not feeling great and he wasn’t able to go to the Sao Paulo temple with the others because he’d been sick. But then, he decided to pray that his fever would break so he could at least enjoy a little of his PDay. 20 minutes later, his fever broke and his prayer was answered. God was listening.

He enjoys his PDays, especially getting out and going to the temple because the MTC has high cement walls with spikes on top and guards and a double gated entry. Like a posh prison. So he was bummed to not get out last Wednesday, but today (the 4th) he was excited to be going out to the Campinas Temple.

He said they have started a lot more “Preach My Gospel” lesson training now (which are all in Portuguese) which he enjoys more than just the language lessons alone. He also got to do his first street contacting. They were dropped off on a busy corner in Sao Paulo and stood there at the intersection. They were a little “shell shocked” and overwhelmed at first as they just watched people cross the street. But as some came toward them, he and his companion, Elder Neely, took turns contacting. The conversations mostly went something like “Hey what’s up? How are you? We are missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Can we have your phone number?” He said, with their limited Portuguese that’s about all they could say. Haha. A few people responded positively and Spencer even got one guys phone number although he wonders if it was a real one. He said it’s hard because he can share a scripture or talk about Jesus in Portuguese but he definitely can’t carry on a natural conversation so it makes things a bit awkward. He said Elder Neely is doing better and can speak some Spanish too so once was able to talk to a guy in Spanish instead but the guy was a devout catholic and although he had heard about our church and even has a member friend, he wasn’t interested. When one German guy stopped, he said he didn’t speak Portuguese. Spencer and his companion were relieved and said, “Oh, do you speak English?” He said “Of course I speak English!” And went on his way, seemingly offended. 

Elder Olson only has 2 weeks left at the MTC and is nervous but excited to get out to Goiania. We were dismayed to find out his debit card we sent with him just expired (my bad…forgot to check the date on that) so we are trying to figure out a way to safely get him his new card. Any suggestions anyone? Anyone going to Brazil who wants to take it to him? We’ll figure something out. 

No pictures again this week bc still no cameras are allowed to be connected to the MTC computers. But maybe once he gets to the field! Fingers crossed.

Sunday, August 29th - Speaking in Church