Week 8 , 2nd week of first transfer
September 29, 2019
So this week, I learned that cockroaches can fly. So that was exciting when a mouse sized cockroach flew onto my hand during the middle of a lesson.
It was a good week. One day the weather actually got down to 75ish degrees and that was like the best day of my life. It rained and was 75 degrees so I wasn't sweating all day. Also, this week we had some problems with our washing machine, so we had to get it fixed. Then the guy brought it back and it still wasn't fixed and so we had to send it back and that took up a lot of our time because we had to go take our clothes to a members house and it was a pain. But it's all good now. Tomorrow we get our washing machine back so that's great.
The members here are really awesome. They feed us lunch every day. On Saturday we ate lunch at this house pretty far away, kind of more out in the countryside. And the whole house was surrounded by chickens and the little chicks could squeeze through the chicken wire, so as we were eating there were little chicks running around by our feet which was kind of funny...IN the house. Kind of interesting. You don't really get that back at home.
Next week, Saturday, we should be having my first baptism. It was going to be this Saturday but we had to push it back because of general conference. I talked about him last time in my email. His name is Juan (zhu-ahn). He's 13 yrs old. It's pretty cool. The other day we go to his house and we had asked him to pray about the church and he goes, "I know it's true! I know it's true!" So that was really cool to see him gain a testimony.
Today, is Sunday. After Church we went to member's house for lunch and it was really good but afterwards, their son who's 15 and another member who's also 15, they came with us and took us to some of their friends to teach them. Lots of them weren't home but we taught one person and those kids stayed with us ALL day helping us find people and teach people so that was really cool. The members here are just great. Great missionaries just in their own ward.
I saw today the new children and youth program and that looks pretty great, so parents and kids and youth, make sure you actually do that because that looks like it can really help you. And then General Conference is this Saturday so make sure you watch ALL of conference. I know that the prophets are called of God and that they receive revelation for the church so it's really important that we listen to them. We can learn so much from the prophets. In my time in the MTC, we had the prophet and leaders speak to us while we were there, and I learned so much from that. So make sure you tune in to conference, and invite someone else who usually wouldn't watch conference to watch conference with you.
That's it for this week!
-- Elder Olson
(no pictures this week)